Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tandberg - Basic - Troubleshooting Video Quality

1. Verify Endpoint model and firmware
2. Verify Call Diagnostics/System Information:

- Video Protocol(codec)
- Resolution
- Frame Rate
- Call rate

- Audio protocol (codec)
- Audio rate
Check TX/RX Packet loss

Gathering call details:

1. Verify QoS settings and marking from Tandberg Menu

2. Verify IPLR is enabled:
Transmit: Enables/disables Intelligent Packetloss Recovery
usage: iplr

3. Verify call details from Telnet:
xstatus Call 1

*s Call 1 (status=Synced, type=Vtlph, protocol=H323, direction=Incoming, logTag=
     CallRate: 1920
     RemoteNumber: "3006131"
     IncomingNumber: "13302220001"
     IncomingSubAddress: ""
     Mute: Off
     Microphone: On
     Duration: 303
     MuteOutgoing: Off
     CallOnHold: False
     RemoteSiteOnHold: False
     MultiwayProgress: Off
     Channels 1 (type=Incoming):
       Rate: 1920
       Restrict: Off
       IPLR: Off
       Encryption (status=Off): /
       Audio (status=Active):
         Protocol: G722
         Rate: 64
       Video 1 (status=Active):
         Protocol: H264
         Resolution: w720p
         Rate: 1856
       Video 2 (status=Inactive): /
       Data (status=Inactive): /
     Channels 2 (type=Outgoing):
       Rate: 1920
       Restrict: Off
       IPLR: On
       Encryption (status=Off): /
       Audio (status=Active):
         Protocol: G722
         Rate: 64
       Video 1 (status=Active):
         Protocol: H264
         Resolution: w720p
         Rate: 1856
       Video 2 (status=Inactive): /
       Data (status=Inactive): /


4. Verify real time statistics:

Enable syslog
syslog on
syslog 3

H323MCS-1 pkts  23703, loss      0, jitter   0, maxjitter   1, drop    0, rate  640 (Audio input)
H323MCS-1 pkts 108081, loss      0, jitter   1, maxjitter   4, drop    0, rate 17140 (Main Video input)
H323MCS-1 pkts      2, loss      0, jitter   0, maxjitter   0, drop    0, rate 0 (Data input)
H323MCS-1 pkts  23703, loss      0, jitter   0, maxjitter   0, drop    0, rate 640 (Audio output)
H323MCS-1 pkts  73652, loss      0, jitter   7, maxjitter   7, drop    0, rate 12690 (Main Video output)
H323MCS-1 pkts     19, loss      0, jitter   0, maxjitter   0, drop    0, rate 0 (Data output)

5.  Enable PacketLossDownSpeed:
xConfiguration PacketlossDownSpeed Mode:

6. Collect sniffer captures

* some commands may vary depending Endpoint model

Monday, September 13, 2010

General - Replay video from packet capture

1) Download videosnarf
Download the tar file:

2) Build and Compile VideoSnarf
Extract file above
cd videosnarf-(version)
make install

3) Download FFmpeg
Download the tar file

4) Build and Compile FFmpeg
Extract file above
cd ffmpeg-(version)
make install

5) Obtain packet capture using Wireshark and then filter it by source IP address and UDP port

Once you have filtered packet capture, Save As this filtered packet capture as new file containing only the stream you want to replay (Use Save As and then Selected Displayed packets)

6) Use Videosnarf to detect RTP streams in the packet capture
videosnarf -i filename.pcap -c
Will generate H264-media-1.264 file

7) Use FFMPEG to convert H264 file to AVI video
ffmpeg -i H264-media-1.264 myvideo.avi

8) Play your video.avi in your favorite video player